Once you are confident that you have
met the eligibility criteria, it’s time
to prepare for your onsite survey. The
following information will help you prepare your
records and facility for your surveyor.
The checklist is organized by standard to help
you reference each item in the Central Fabrication
Accreditation Standards.
This is not a complete list and is not intended
to replace your thorough knowledge and
understanding of the standards. Now would be a
good time to re-read the standards and make sure
that you are familiar with what your survey will
encompass. This checklist is intended to highlight
some of the areas that tend to be overlooked
during preparation for the accreditation process.

Organization (OG)
The following items are required
for your business and your surveyor
will physically check that you are in
compliance with the following. You should have
all necessary documents organized and available
for the surveyor to review.
- Articles of Incorporation, or other documents
establishing legal formation of the company
such as your business license (if applicable.)
- Current Certificates of Occupancy and
Inspection, as required by your state or local
regulations. Examples may include, but are not
limited to a business license from your city or
county, zoning or occupancy permit, sales tax
license, fire department permit or registration
with the FDA, if applicable. (OG4)
- A written Policies and Procedures Manual that
illustrates how your business’s activities are
executed. (OG5)
- You have a mission statement for your
business and it is part of your policy manual as
well as available in your facility and/or posted
on your website. (OG6)
- You have documentation of your business
leadership roles. (OG7)
- There is documentation that you have
complied with the applicable sections of the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). (OG8)
- Business has a dedicated laboratory consistent
with services offered. (OG10

Business Records (BR)
The Business Records Standards
address the establishment of policies
and procedures related to business operations:
- Policies and procedures on business
operations that are available to staff.
Examples may include, but are not limited to,
standard operating procedures and employee
handbooks. (BR1)
- Accounting Policies (operating budgets,
revenue and expense tracking, other
documents that show your ability to manage
the financial aspects of the business). (BR2)
- A written plan that demonstrates the actions
you have taken to secure your records and also
allows for quick retrieval. (BR3)
- A method to meet the requirements of
the Healthcare Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA). (BR4)
- You can demonstrate that your records will not
be jeopardized due to disasters and that you
have a back-up plan to recover records. (BR5)

Record Keeping (RK)
Your surveyor will look to validate
that you have appropriate record
keeping. They will check to make sure you have
the following:
- A written policy that explains your procedure
for creation, storage and maintenance of
records, including, but not limited to, how job
or work orders are created, records are entered
into the tracking system, records are updated
during the fabrication process and how records
are securely stored. (RK1)
- Records that include all communications with
customers, such as change orders. (RK2)
- Records that include detailed descriptions
of the item/device fabricated and the
components incorporated. The detailed
descriptions may include, but are not limited
to, work orders, type of device, materials used,
components used and fabrication timeframes.
- Documentation proving that you have a
system to track devices that were provided to
customers. (RK4)
- A procedure for providing the customer
with an expected time frame for delivery of
requested items/devices. (RK5)
- Documentation that each item/device meets
the manufacturer’s guidelines or other
specifications prior to delivery. (RK6)

Human Resources (HR)
Your surveyor will review the
following human resource items:
- Your policy explaining the requirements and
personnel qualifications for your employees,
including detailed job descriptions, required
certifications and/or licenses as applicable,
required experience and continuing education
requirements. (HR1)
- Proof that your business is staffed with a
certified individual in the discipline(s) that
you provide services during your hours of
operation. (HR2)
- Documentation that you have provided
orientation and training to your staff on all of
your facility procedures. (HR3)
- Verification that your staff’s credentials and
state licenses are checked annually to ensure
that they are current and in good standing.
- Documentation that you conduct an annual
review of each staff member’s job performance.

Warranty and Recall (WR)
Your surveyor will check to make sure
policies and procedures are in place
that cover the following:
- Item/device failures and product recalls. (WR1)
- Your response in the event that a customer
reports an item/device failure. (WR2)
- Data collection procedures related to item/
device failures and how you respond to
product recalls. Data may be collected
from the following: customer work orders,
complaints, visual defects or employee
feedback. Your policy needs to include how
you will identify and notify all customers
affected by the recall. (WR3)
You will also need to show the surveyor that your
business has policies in place to provide your
customers with the following information:
- Warranties and care instructions for items/
devices. (WR4)
- Proof that all items from outside sources were
obtained without fraud or deceit. (WR5)
- Disclosure in the event that any used
components, not supplied by the customer, are
incorporated in any items/devices. This may be
through labeling on the item/device or direct
communication with the customer. (WR6)

Safety and Equipment (SE)
You will need to make sure that you
are in compliance with the following
items related to the safety of your employees
and equipment.
- You have a written safety management
program that describes the procedures you
have taken to reduce risk of injury. (SE1)
- Your annual safety inspections have been
conducted, evaluated and any necessary
corrective actions were taken. (SE2)
- Documentation that all employees receive
safety management orientations. (SE3)
- You have a procedure in place for the
appropriate cleaning of your facility and
equipment. These procedures should include
staff training, even if you use an outside
cleaning service. (SE4)
- You have a process for training your staff
on appropriate hazardous waste disposal
procedures, including federal, state and local
requirements. (SE5)
- You have an established Emergency
Evacuation Plan for fires and emergency
situations. (SE6)
- You have conducted an emergency evacuation
drill for all staff members, including those
working different shifts. Fire suppression
and/or alarm systems testing was included, if
applicable. (SE7)
- You have a written evaluation of the
effectiveness of your emergency evacuation
drill. (SE8)
- Your Disaster Preparedness Plan is designed to
manage the consequences of natural disasters.
- If you have any specialized emergency
equipment on your premises, such as an
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), you
must provide documentation that your staff
has been trained in its use. (SE10)
- Your facility’s no smoking policy is posted.
- You have implemented an equipment
management program that includes inventory
and maintenance training for staff. (SE12)
- You have documentation of the training you
provided to appropriate staff on the safe use of
equipment. (SE13)
- Your equipment maintenance includes an
inventory of all equipment and a log to
identify the maintenance of each item. (SE14)
- Your written policies and procedures address
occupational exposure. (SE15)
- You maintain a current file of Safety Data
Sheets (SDS). (SE16)
- Your cross contamination risk policy
documents the proper handling of items that
have come in contact with a patient. (SE17)
- You have a written policy that addresses the
use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Quality Assurance (QA)
Every business must have an effective
quality assurance plan. The following
items should be included in your plan.
- A written assurance program that examines
and evaluates the quality of the services you
provide. (QA1)
- You have a method to collect, record and
measure data in order to identify fabrication
errors. (QA2)
- Written analyses of shipping and billing error
trends that you use to make corrections to
your processes and procedures. This analysis
needs to be written and maintained in an
appropriate file. (QA3)
- Documentation that you have employee
participation when assessing the qualities of
your business operations. (QA4)
- Corrective/preventative actions are
documented when identified. (QA5)

Customer Satisfaction (CS)
Your surveyor will be looking for your
customer satisfaction survey process.
- You have created and implemented a customer
satisfaction survey that includes, but is not
limited to, questions addressing satisfaction
with the quality of services, resolution of
complaints and timeliness of response to the
customer. (CS1 & CS2)
- All returned surveys have been documented,
evaluated and the outcomes are reviewed at
least annually. (CS3)

Other Reminders
Outside your Facility
Take a close look at your building
entrance–look for the following:
- Handicapped spaces in your parking lot are
clearly indicated.
- Hours of operation are posted and visible from
the exterior of the building
Inside your Facility
Make sure that the following documents are
posted and easily accessible:
- Business License
- Sales and Use Tax permit (when required)
- Each Individual’s Certification and/or License
- Emergency Numbers
- Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), if
applicable and other medical emergency
- Fire Evacuation Maps
Laboratory Area
In your lab area your inspection will include, but
is not limited to, the following:
- Current file of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is in use
for all appropriate staff
- Fire exit instructions are clear, concise and
- Your equipment is properly maintained
- Your no smoking policy is posted in a visible

What you can Expect from the Onsite Survey
Your survey will be scheduled with
you in advance. Upon arrival, your
surveyor will identify that they are from ABC and
will present you with their photo identification
Initial Interview
First, you’ll have a brief interview with your
You can expect the surveyor to:
- Discuss the purpose of the survey and go over
the schedule
- Answer any questions you may have about the
survey process
- Determine the general layout of the facility
What your Surveyor Will Do
To verify that you have met the requirements
of ABC’s Central Fabrication Standards, your
surveyor will look at and focus on the following
items and areas:
- Your business’s Policies and Procedures
- Personnel files
- Accounting and bookkeeping records
- Contracts with vendors
- Fire and emergency evacuation plans
- Customer satisfaction surveys and survey
- Information on device delivery times
- Employee interviews
Closing Interviews
After your survey has been completed, your
surveyor will brief you on their findings and make
any suggestions for overall improvement.
- You will have plenty of opportunity to clarify
or submit any information that may not have
been available during the survey.
- Your surveyor may have suggestions that could
help you comply with the standards; this is
your chance to talk to the surveyor one on one.
Please take notes as this is a great opportunity
to discuss your survey findings with the
- Your surveyor does not know whether you
passed the survey or not and is not permitted
to discuss your specific results.
All significant recommendations and
deficiencies will be discussed with you.
The final Survey Report will be sent to
you from ABC.
For additional information about the
Central Fabrication Accreditation
program, please don’t hesitate to
call us at 703-836-7114 or email

Thank you for choosing
ABC for your accreditation