Central Fabrication Accreditation Guide

October 2023


Eligibility Criteria



      The following criteria will help you determine if you are eligible for Central Fabrication                    Accreditation.


Your organization must:

  • Be located within the United States, one of its territories or possessions
  • Be a formally organized and legally established business that provides onsite custom fabrication of orthotic, prosthetic and/or pedorthic items/devices for external patient care providers
  • Be licensed according to applicable state and federal laws and regulations, and maintain all current legal authorization, permits and zoning requirements to operate
  • Have a physical location and operate in an appropriate central fabrication setting. The decision of what is an appropriate central fabrication setting is solely within ABC’s discretion
  • Have a full-time employee onsite who maintains a nationally recognized certification as an orthotist, prosthetist, pedorthist, technician or assistant in the discipline(s) of the services the business provides
  • Any individual who has ownership interest must not appear on the Office of Inspector General (OIG) exclusion list.

In addition, your organization will: