No part of this document may be produced in any form without written permission of the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics, Inc.
The following criteria will help you
determine if you are eligible for Central
Fabrication Accreditation.
Your organization must:
Be located within the United States, one of its
territories or possessions
Be a formally organized and legally established
business that provides onsite custom
fabrication of orthotic, prosthetic and/or
pedorthic items/devices for external patient
care providers
Be licensed according to applicable state and
federal laws and regulations, and maintain
all current legal authorization, permits and
zoning requirements to operate
Have a physical location and operate in an
appropriate central fabrication setting. The
decision of what is an appropriate central
fabrication setting is solely within ABC’s
Have a full-time employee onsite who
maintains a nationally recognized certification
as an orthotist, prosthetist, pedorthist,
technician or assistant in the discipline(s) of
the services the business provides
Any individual who has ownership interest
must not appear on the Office of Inspector
General (OIG) exclusion list.