2020 June Mark of Merit

We Are Here for You!
Campus closures due to COVID-19 and social distancing couldn’t keep Jim from visiting these amazing O&P assistant, technician, fitter and practitioner students.
Amputee Coalition Patient Resources
As part of our partnership with the Amputee Coalition, all ABC accredited facilities providing prosthetic care received a packet of resource materials in the mail for their patients.
ABC Participates in Virtual AOPA Policy Forum
Due to the restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Policy Forum was held as a virtual conference.  
Scholar Holler
Campus closures due to COVID-19 and social distancing couldn’t keep Jim from visiting these amazing O&P assistant, technician, fitter and practitioner students.
ABC’s Some Good News
We learned about some very special people in the O&P profession that are using what resources they have to help healthcare workers during the pandemic.
ABC Annual Report Now Available Online
The 2019 ABC Annual Report is now available on the ABC website at ABCop.org. This year’s report summarizes ABC’s activities for the past year.
CredCast Corner
Insights from our most experienced surveyors and several great interviews with top O&P professionals—there’s lots of valuable information to help you navigate these difficult times.

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