2020 September Mark of Merit

You Can Do Virtually Anything!
Taking advantage of eLearning opportunities.
FREE Listing on Prosthetist Finder
As a result of ABC's recent partnership with the Amputee Coalition, all ABC certified prosthetists can benefit from receiving a free advanced listing on the Prosthetist Finder.
Harassment and Discrimination Resources
We encourage you to take advantage of the many resources available in the Sexual Harassment Resource Guide at ABCop.org.
Resources to Help Navigate the Times
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a part of our daily lives, there is still much uncertainty around the resumption of normal activities.
Annual Renewal Time is Approaching
Annual fees to maintain your certification and accreditation status is right around the corner. All annual fees are due December 1.
CredCast Corner
Be sure to check out ABC’s CredCast podcast series each month for an all new episode.

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