You can find free on-demand webinars in our Webinar Library. Topics range from workplace culture, facility accreditation and even animal O&P. With more and more webinars added every year and many with a quiz to earn continuing education credits, it’s worth a look!
Note that you cannot receive multiple credits for attending the same course more than once per calendar year or more than twice during your five-year cycle.
Mastectomy-Only Facility Accreditation Process (Earn 1.5 CE Credits)
Learn about the ABC accreditation process as it specifically pertains to Mastectomy-only facilities. This webinar covers the application process, available resources, onsite survey expectations, most missed standards, privileging, CFm certification and more!
24 Hours of Well-Being for Yourself & Your Patients with Jerry Frentsos (Earn 1 CE Credit)
Did you know there are four different hormones that run a daily relay in our bodies? Athlete, coach, nutritionist and educator Jerry Frentsos will help you understand the hourly impact of cortisol, serotonin, melatonin and human growth on your body as you move through the day allowing you to become more productive for yourself and your patients.
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